This precious angel that has been growing inside me is a healthy, perfect, baby boy.
20 week appointment
Rusty and I have been anxiously awaiting this day for what seems like an eternity. I made the appointment for Veterans Day because I would be off work and would be able to really enjoy the day. I also made the appointment for 8:00am - I didn't want to wait any longer!! Luckily, everything went really smoothly and we were in and out before I knew it. The US tech took lots of pictures and measurements of all of the important things - brain, spinal cord, heart, vessels, etc. Then FINALLY she zoomed out, moved down towards our baby's "danger zone" and it was plain as day. There was our little man in all his glory. It was just like everyone described it - "If you see a snapping turtle, you'll know!" Well there was no denying it. Peanut definitely had a little snapping turtle between his legs! I won't share the pics, but you can use your imagination. Despite mommy chugging a Mtn Dew, Peanut was super chill... nice and comfy in his temporary home. He was not budging for us to get any good pictures. She was able to tell us that he weighed 14 ounces. That seems really tiny I know, but average for 19 1/2 weeks is 10 ounces! We have a little lineman on our hands! The doctor said there was no reason this early in the game to change the due date, but that we would watch baby and mommy's progress.
No more Peanut
Rusty and I have really enjoyed calling our baby Peanut, but we now call him by name -Hudson. His full name is Hudson Michael Ashworth. Michael is a family name - my dad's name is Micheal, Rusty and his dad's middle names are Michael, so Michael was always the middle name for a boy. We tossed around A LOT of names. We did a lot of internet searching, baby name generators (yes, they have them - google it people), and we always enjoyed looking at strangers' birth announcements in the doctor's office. Hudson has no sentimental meaning, but we felt that it was fun, strong, and timeless all in one. We now talk about Hudson all the time! I feel like now that I know who is in there, the house almost feels empty without him actually being here!
Gender Reveal Party
I made big plans to do a Gender Reveal Party. I made chili and cupcakes and we had our family and friends over for the reveal. Only Rusty and I knew what the baby was at that point (and Aunt Adrianne since she was missing out while in Toronto). Well, having my first flu shot that morning, everyone being late/lost on detours due to wrecks everywhere, and me trying to keep my mouth shut so that I didn't ruin the surprise made me a little stressed/under the weather. My face felt like it was on fire and I just couldn't get cooled off. I really think most of it was the flu shot, which I am still not sure about, but that is a whole other topic. Anyway, the party was lots of fun! Here are just a FEW pictures from the party.
Hudson at 20 weeks: (Disclaimer: Hudson is obviously bigger than this, but here are the "average" stats for a baby at 20 weeks)
Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel, or about the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)
Maternity Clothes:
Still wearing maternity pants with most of my regular tops. All of my shirts still fit, but they are getting short in the front.
This is seriously the best thing ever invented for preggers sleeping.

We went to the Bama vs LSU game and spent the night in Tuscaloosa with Bradley and Mary Lane. This was the first time since September that I have sleep without it and wow could I tell a difference. I even get my Boppy pillow when I am going to chill on the couch. The fluffy parts for the head and between the knees while being cut out in the middle for your tummy - genius.
I'm not really craving anything, but I am really enjoying having my normal sense of taste back. I also tend to want a big lunch and a smaller dinner.
Smelly food... I leaned over to give Rusty a hug and the smell of his vinaigrette dressing almost knocked me out. Greasy food is still not a good idea, which is probably a good thing. No need to pack on any extra pounds!
20 week Belly Pic