You are growing like a weed!
At six months (and one week, to be exact...)
You weigh 20 pounds, 11 ounces and are 28 inches long.
wear 6-9 month and 9 month clothes. You wear a size 3 shoe (Mommy got
you a super cute pair to wear with your Polo jeans and button down
shirt-you're gonna be such a stud!). You wear a size 3 diaper and a
size 4 Baby Dry nighttime diaper.
followed some fellow bloggers' advice and bumped you up a size on the
night time diapers after you peed out of a size 3 nighttime diaper several times making for some not so fun middle of the night wakings.
are such a fun boy these days. Just like everyone tells me, every new
stage just gets better and better!! I do miss the days of you being so
tiny and cuddly, but you are SO FUN these days! You are sitting up
pretty well now, but we still put some padding behind you. Your
favorite thing is to jump or bounce. You still love to play in your
jumperoo or in your exersaucer with a bouncy floor. You love the Johnny
Jump, where you currently look more like a circus act because you
bounce and swing from side to side and just squeeeaaaaallll!!!! If
someone is holding you, you prefer to stand and bounce/jump on their
legs. You also are obsessed with grabbing everyone's face.
love to talk and talk and talk some more. You are putting everything
within reach in your mouth. You love to laugh, especially at Daddy.
You have recently started grunting (we've been calling you "The Hulk"
all week) and you love to bang on your highchair while waiting on your
dinner. Every little thing is just so cute! Your two bottom teeth are
completely through now and I'm pretty sure you are working on some
more. I think it will be a while though because I can't see or feel
anything yet.
You are still LOVING your food!! Your current schedule is something like this...
Wake Up and 8oz bottle; 7:30 rice or oatmeal cereal; 8:30ish nap; 10:30
fruit; 11:30 7oz bottle; 1:00 nap; 4:00 7oz bottle; 5:00 catnap; 6:30
veggie; 7:30 bath; 8:00 8oz bottle
You are still in stage 1 foods and you will sometimes have a sippy cup with 1/2 water 1/2 juice with your meals.
are napping much better but still usually wake up at least once (if not
a couple of times) at night. We have been back and forth, back and
forth about what to do about you sleeping at night because it seems like
circumstances are just constantly changing and we (Mommy and Daddy)
just can't make up our minds about what to do! As of today (10/7/12)
you are sleeping on your tummy with a paci and music on all night. You
DEFINITELY prefer to sleep on your tummy. If you are ever in the bed
with us you may sleep on your side because our mattress is so squishy.
You are a cuddle bug!
also took your first trip to the beach! We stayed in our fav place,
Destin, Florida and ate at all of our fav places! You did so good! We
were so proud of you.

makes us so happy to see you smile at us when we walk in the room. You
have started to hug and cling a little when we hold you, which I LOVE.
Can't wait til my little man reaches for his Mommy!!! My heart may just
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