But I didn't. Or at least not yet!
So tomorrow I go for my 39 week appointment. Rusty is going with me since this is supposed to be the day that we "come up with a plan" according to what the doctor told us at my 36 week appointment. She acted like since he was so big at 36 weeks (estimated 7 pounds 8 ounces) that if he wasn't here by 39 weeks that we would induce (if it looked like that was favorable, and at this point I'm pretty sure it does) or schedule a C-Section if she thought he wouldn't "fit". So needless to say, I am EXTREMELY ANXIOUS to see what the doctor will have to say tomorrow!
I got to thinking about something the past few days. I always post pictures of me/my belly and tell all of my symptoms, thoughts, etc. But what about Daddy?
Rusty has been great. I know I have morphed into a slightly different person over the past few months. One who snores EVERY NIGHT and apparently has started having kicking fits as I struggle to get comfortable, has to have the house FREEZING to sleep, can be VERY indecisive, and occasionally a little emotional. But Rusty has been a trooper. He has helped me stay focused on what is important and has been extremely supportive the past nine months and even before as we planned for our first baby. The past few days he has gone walking with me, trying to get Little Man to come on out, and he has even been sleeping in the recliner so he can actually get some sleep while I take advantage of the king size pillow top. : )
AND.............even though he TOTALLY shouldn't have and I told him that A TRILLION times afterwards, Rusty surprised me Friday with a little "push present". He said he didn't want to give it to me at the hospital and since we didn't know when Hudson would be coming, he wanted to go ahead and give it to me. (Sidenote: Rusty has a really hard time waiting to give someone a present that he is excited about...it's kinda cute. : ) He even proposed early because my ring was ready earlier than expected and he just couldn't wait.) I insisted that this was NOT necessary, but he insisted that I deserved it and he wanted me to have it to remember this special time in our lives in the years to come. He is the sweetest. I'm a very lucky lady.

I can't believe this could be my last week of preggers symptoms! I'm super excited, but many people say you will miss it and I can totally understand what they mean. Who doesn't want to have a little buddy with them all the time? Being able to feel their little kicks, rolls, and hiccups? This week the swelling in my feet has gotten a little better as I have tried to take it easy the last half of the week after being a little swollen and having elevated blood pressure Monday. My biggest complaint is just general uncomfortableness. In the bed, when I sit, when I
Once I get comfortable, I am OUT. I don't really have any trouble going back to sleep if I get up during the night. I am SO glad it has been spring break for me this week because I have taken a 2 hour (at least, sometimes more) nap Wednesday - Sunday. Not because I wanted to, but because I literally was exhausted I couldn't stand it.
Maternity Clothes:
I hate getting dressed now because it is so hot and I all I have to wear is jeans. I wish I was one of those cute girls in a dress, but I am not going to go buy one. I am too cheap!! I have the maternity dress on in the picture from today, and that is it. All of the other dresses I wore were not maternity and I can't get away with that now.