This Easter was very special. Even though last year was technically Hudson's first Easter, this year felt more like it. Last year he was less than 2 weeks old. We didn't go to church and let's just say an elaborate Easter basket wasn't on this new Mommy's to do list, so this year was extra special!
Since our families live an hour apart from each other, we try to spread out special occasions so we get to spend more time with each family. So on Saturday, we hung out with Rusty's parents. We ate lunch, dyed eggs, and played, played, and played some more!

Hanging out on the deck, where we spend lots of time while at MeMe and Paw Paw's house...
First of many meals in the screened in porch
The Easter Bunny stopped by MeMe and Paw Paws!
Sunday morning, Hudson woke up to find a basket of goodies from the Easter bunny!

Of course, we had to have a mini photo shoot of Hudson looking so snazzy....

Apparently I'm already embarassing him...

Of course, we had to have a mini photo shoot of Hudson looking so snazzy....
Apparently I'm already embarassing him...
We made it to church EARLY - quite an accomplishment for us, especially after all of that! ; ) I decided since we were only going to the main service I would just hold him instead of taking him to the nursery. He slept like an angel the entire service! And let me tell you, our praise team and choir brought down the house for Easter Sunday and Hud slept right through it!
We slipped out a little early to surprise my grandmother. My Granny LaRue has been a registered nurse at the hospital in my hometown for over 40 years. When I was little, if my grandmother had to work on Easter Sunday, we would go eat lunch with her at the hospital.
This Easter Sunday was her last day to work as an RN in the ICU at the hospital where she has worked her entire career. We surprised her at lunch with a mini retirement party! It was so special to all be there to eat lunch with her at the hospital on her very last day.