This past Saturday we hosted many family and friends for Hudson's First Birthday Party! I decided since he will only be a baby once, I would do something sweet for his first birthday. I chose a light blue and green theme accented with elephants (random I know.... I get these crazy visions and everything has to be custom ordered/made.... I never do anything easy! NEVER!)
We were hoping for a sunny, spring day but instead were faced with a forecast of thunderstorms. It stormed all night Friday night and Saturday night, but the Good Lord gave us a break Saturday morning so our guests didn't get soaked trying to get to the party!
We let the kiddos play as everyone arrived. I stole Jessica's wonderful idea to entertain the kids with a ball pit... it worked!!

Most of the babies at the party...
Easton and Ryleigh showing the babies how it's done!
Cousin Dominic LOVES "Baby Hudson"
Then this little cutie opened waaaaaayyyy too many presents! I think he is set for a while!
We had lots of food and fun, including a little cake for the birthday boy!

Momma having to choke back some tears as we sang Happy Birthday
Not too sure at first...

You thought it was pretty good!

Momma having to choke back some tears as we sang Happy Birthday
Not too sure at first...
You thought it was pretty good!
After the cake, Hudson got cleaned up and relaxed with all of his company.
We had so much fun planning for Hudson's special day! It went by so fast. Our house was full of people that day. After everyone left and the house was mostly cleaned up, Mommy, Daddy, and Baby all had a WONDERFUL nap. We spent the rest of the afternoon as just the three of us. Mommy and Daddy loving on our baby boy... talking, playing, dancing, eating leftovers, and enjoying some of his new goodies. One of the presents we got him was a chair. It was hard to get a good picture of him with it during the party, so after he was all cleaned up that night, we had a little photo shoot. I figured I would get all the use I could out of all these decorations!
Oh my goodness..... could he be any cuter?!?!